Monday, February 2, 2009

*Note> I had a few errors in my previous blog. The Shakespeare sonnet with the line 'remembrance of things past' is 30, not 130. And I forgot to note the overhead projector in the list of items in the communal memory theatre*

As today was February 2, a significant portion of class was spent discussing the deep importance of the film Groundhog Day(the literary critic Stanley Fish recently published an article were he lists the Ten best American movies and Groundhog Day is one of them. I'm gonna have to read it). Not only is it an example of how ancient rituals (in this case a festival of the annuciation of the virgin)are reduced to the ordinary, and a microcosmic illustration of Nietzche's Myth of the Eternal Return; it is also an exhaltation of the ordinary day. How the most boring uneventful day of the year can in fact contain one's whole life, and in fact all the mytholgical foundations of the universe. James Joyce's Uylsseus is an paradigmatic example.

We also noted down Kyle's system for memorising the Muses for the communal memory theatre.

thermostat- Erato(heat)
screen-Urania(astronomy class)
"quiet" desk- Thalia(comedy)
overhead- Polyhemnia(hymns)
brown desk- Terpsichore(dance)
bulletin board- Calliope(epic poetry)
weird "F"- Melpomene(tragedy)

It has also been announced that we must have our selected 50 discreet items by Friday.

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