Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More discussion today on the differences between oral and literate traditions. A big thing that oral traditions honor old people--because they are the ones who will have amassed the stories. And again with the repition thing, repetitively. A poetic trope along these line is repetitive parallelism, or saying one thing then saying it again. Its a big thing in Hebrew poetry, such as "David was good-looking and handsome".

We also had our attention drawn to the chapter near the end of The Odyssey , which details the encounter with Hmaeus(sp?)in which the poet enters the story himself, so empatheic and particitpatory is the telling.

We closed with noting that IQ tests do not measure intelligence, only what IQ tests were invented to measure(the taking of IQ tests), and the words of the Ghost as it leaves Hamlet--"remember me"-- and Hamlet's reaction to them.

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